Dressing For Business

winter fashion , influencermanchester , Manchester influencer, fashion , outfit , blogger ,manchester blogger

winter fashion , influencermanchester , Manchester influencer, fashion , outfit , blogger ,manchester blogger

winter fashion , influencermanchester , Manchester influencer, fashion , outfit , blogger ,manchester blogger

winter fashion , influencermanchester , Manchester influencer, fashion , outfit , blogger ,manchester blogger

If you’re anything like me, looking good will make you feel good at all times. Still, there are situations where the benefits of improving the way you are viewed – by yourself and others – are even greater. The workplace is undeniably one of the very top candidates.


While this does place a little added pressure on the situation, taking control of the situation isn’t too difficult. Focus on the five steps below and you’ll be ready to rock the office in style.


  1. Start With Winning Footwear


Many women fall into the trap of making their footwear the finishing touch of their work attire. However, building a look from the feet up may be a far wiser solution. Fashionable yet comfortable heels allow you to stand tall and proud. It can alter your entire demeanour as you strut through the office. It’s also one of the first things that people will notice about the outfit while the design and colour can set the tone for an outfit.


Conversely, ill-fitting footwear will impact your mindset and productivity as well as your look.


  1. Focus On Outerwear

Human nature means that we start to judge people within one-tenth of a second. When entering the workplace, then, colleagues and clients will have an opinion on your look before you’ve even taken your coat off. Belted wrap coats, military-style coats, and funnel neck coats can all work wonders in the colder months. In the summer, a lighter but equally stylish jacket is ideal. You can also inject a burst of energy with the right colour.


As well as the direct benefits, it protects the outfit underneath when commuting.


  1. Master Business Casual


It’s likely that there will be times when corporate wear is required, which means a pantsuit with little flair. However, business casual attire is the most common solution and should be the staple of your wardrobe. The situation and weather will influence your choices on any given day. But you should have blazers, shirts, trousers, skirts, blouses, and sweaters readily available. When combined with the right footwear, you’ll build a great look.


Investing in comfortable, fitted underwear is another priceless tip. 


  1. Don’t Forget Beauty Rituals


When building your look for the office, it’s important to remember that fashion isn’t the only factor. Beauty rituals will play an equally crucial role. Winning skincare routines will transform your look regardless of the outfit. Similarly, a great smile and a fashionable hairstyle can work wonders for your look. Of course, for the best results, you should adopt a healthy lifestyle. Nutrition, exercise, and healthy sleep patterns all help.


Image upgrades shouldn’t be the main incentive. But if they do motivate you, that’s great.


  1. Use Accessories To Your Advantage


We have already discussed the fact that footwear can become the foundation rather than the final touch. Still, it’s important to finalise your attire. Accessories are the answer. Jewellery and luxury watches can grab attention. However, it is your choice of bag, belt, or brooch that adds the final touches. Similarly, colour-coordinating everything from your hairbands to socks can show organisational skills.


Having a pen and other essentials ready to hand will complete the controlled vibe. Perfect.

Irena D


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