What’s new

  Hello my lovely readers. I know its been a while since I last sat down and wrote a blog post. Instagram  is taking over our lives and no one is writing blogs anymore! To be honest, ever since I decided to shift my focus to other social channels I never lost the urge to write blogs so it’s a great…
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Christmas Shopping at World Duty Free Manchester Terminal 1

Where did 2018 go? My blogging work has been keeping me so busy this year so it was only last week when I realised that it’s already December and I need to get all my Christmas decorations from the attic. Maybe it’s because we are still having this mild weather in the UK and I don’t feel that festive spirit yet.…
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On My Wish List

Thomas Sabo Kingdom of Dreams at Peter Jackson

Hello my fashionistas, I have an amazing look to share with you all in my today’s post.  Being a massive jewellery and accessory lover and a long time admired of the German jewellery  brand  Thomas Sabo I was really excited about their magical new collection – “Kingdom of Dreams”. My love affair with jewellery by Thomas Sabo started 6 years ago (back then…
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Favourite Beauty Products

Shopping at Manchester World Duty Free Terminal 1

We all know our holidays start long before our plane takes off. Usually, I try to book my uber two hours before boarding as I just can’t skip the excitement of the Duty Free shopping. It can be your life-saver if you are in desperate hunt for that last minute gift for your Spanish friend or you urgently need a mascara…
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Trend Guide for Fall 2018

  Hello September and hello Fall , the  season of  Check Blazers, Scarfs, Leather boots and Oversized trench coats. Although I know how hard it is to say bye to warm summer days , (remember those days  not that long ago  we drank our Aperol  Sprinz while sun kisses our face) ,  but  sadly we have to switch to autumn fashion…
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